Vision for Center: Create a New Icon
Some Orlandoans look at an empty lot, and they see an empty lot. Craig Ustler sees trees. Fountains. Benches. Sculpture. Ice-cream stands. Ustler isn't hallucinating. He and other downtown [...]
Urban Living: Tale of Two Neighborhoods
Like many of Florida's best old neighborhoods, downtown Orlando's Lake Eola/Thornton Park and Miami Beach's "South of 5th" — "SoFi" — had their heydays in the 1950s, when children [...]
City centers: Next-generation real estate
The real-estate market is tough right now. Much has been written regarding the effect of the market downturn. For those of us in the real-estate industry, we're all working [...]
Believing the Vision
I'm a third-generation Orlandoan. I was born in Orlando and I grew up here. When I was a kid, I was fascinated by Lincoln Logs and Legos because you [...]
Tom and Craig Ustler
In 1995, roughly 16 years after Craig Ustler first entered the family business, he began working with his dad. "We've really been working together a lot longer than it [...]